The project will raise awareness about dementia in young peoples as well as young volunteers. During the workshop the selected young people will attend an informative training on dementia, in order to prepare them for interacting with pwD, symptoms of pathology. After that, they will participate in the game co-design process: they will co-design and play several games in collaboration with game-designers, software developers, healthcare professionals, pwD and caregivers. At the end of this creation process and during the project at least 8 fully working games have to be developed.
The project has the following main outcomes:
- lncrease the awareness of young adults about dementia.
- Create awareness and motivation about the importance and possibilities of games as a tool for improving the quality of life of pwD.
- Engage young people over 15 in volunteering.
- Empower generation bonds through playful intergenerational activities and game creation workshops.
- Involve professionals, volunteers and pwD in the creation process of suitable games. The needs of pwD and their caregivers as well as healthcare professionals will be analyse during the workshops
Developed games are available here