On the 27thand 28thof July 2019, the second partner meeting was held in Bucharest. The project coordina-tor made a short overview of the project, including participating organizations, activities, ownership of tasks,expected outcomes. The first part of the meeting was dedicated mostly to summing up the first workstream andeach partner presented the outcomes of their workshops and results of the experimentation achieved in Italy,Romania and Greece.Some common aspects were highlighted during the above presentations:- People with dementia prefer games with clear instructions and colourful and big game pieces.- Similar benefits were reported – cognitive training, social interaction, enjoying playing games.At the end of the day 1 meeting, 8 games were selected from the proposed tested options and, on a similar note,were commented the future steps to be undertaken for the digitalization of the games prototypes and e-platformdevelopment.During the second day of the meeting were discussed the effectiveness of the dissemination strategy and com-munication tools, administrative and financial management, poject evaluation and progress plan and eventuallyupcoming tasks foreseen by the work plan